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"Little by little, one travels far." - J.R.R Tolkein



In 2021, Kelly Piacsek ran for Waukesha School Board on the promise to work to restore normalcy for students in a COVID-stalled learning environment, and to make learning recovery and district financial sustainability her top priorities. Once elected, she immediately moved to end excessive healthy student quarantines and to make masking optional. Districts across Waukesha County, and the state of Wisconsin followed suit. Students were able to complete exams and participate in the year-end activities and recognition they deserved.   


Since day one, Kelly has worked tirelessly to set meaningful and measurable expectations for the School District, introduce an unprecedented volume of new, age-appropriate, evidence-based curricular resources across all grade levels, increase budget allocations for long-term facility maintenance, lower operating costs, right-size district facility footprint and reduce distractions in the learning environment.


As Board President, appointed in April 2022, she has shifted the work of the Board to focus on improving student outcomes and celebrating student excellence in and out of the classroom, demonstrating fiscal accountability and prioritizing parental transparency.  


Approved and implemented 11 new, evidence-based, sequenced curricular resources including new math, literacy and social studies curriculum at all levels. 


Re-invested in gifted and talented identification and programming.  


Aligned secondary math offerings to support both accelerated math and alternate tracks.


Renewed District focus on achievement, resulting in student COVID learning recovery outpacing state averages. Much work remains.


Committed to increase dual-credit offerings. SDW students lead the region in tuition savings through early college and trade credits earned while in high school.



Swiftly moved to make COVID quarantines and masking of healthy students and staff optional.


Supported removal of political and ideological signs, flags, stickers and banners from classrooms.


Approved and introduced new library material review process and parental notifications of checked-out materials.​


Established new Student Services board committee to focus on non-curricular student needs and well-being.


Introduced and approved a clinically-validated, parent-opt-in student mental health screening pilot.​



Approved new state-of-the-art security upgrades at all district buildings.​


​Initiated over $25M in facility improvements without a referendum including upgrades to all high school auditoriums, upgrade or replacement of outdated HVAC systems district-wide, and replacement of South high school stadium bleachers.


Decreased district facility footprint through sale of aging buildings with significant deferred maintenance costs.


Local school property tax levy has decreased by 7.8% since 2021.  

Mill rates (property tax dollars levied per $1,000 of equalized property value) are the lowest in District history.


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